Access TB Project
October 6, 2022
PBSP ACCESS TB donates mobile clinic vans to DOH Region 3

This initiative is part of The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria, through its COVID-19 Response Mechanism (C19RM) program

Access TB Project
PBSP ACCESS TB donates mobile clinic vans to DOH Region 3

Philippine Business for Social Progress (PBSP), through its AdvancingClient-centered Care and Expanding Sustainable Services for TB (ACCESS TB)Project turned over a mobile clinic van to the Department of Health (DOH) andthe Center for Health Development (CHD) in Region III last October 6, 2022 duringthe launch of the Provincial Government of Pampanga’s Primary Care Day.

The mobile clinic van will assist CHD Region 3 in providing free chest x-ray, specimen collection and transportation, Electrocardiogram(ECG), and other primary care services to various cities and municipalities in Central Luzon. DOH Officer-in-Charge Maria Rosario Vergeire and CHD - Central Luzon Regional Director Dr. Corazon Flores, received the van which was handed over by PBSP Chief Financial Officer Dennis Vitug, and ACCESS TB Program Director Arnyl G. Araneta.

This initiative is part of The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria, through its COVID-19 Response Mechanism (C19RM)program to scale up the country’s ongoing pandemic response, and support major interventions in achieving a better health system in the country.

Aside from Region 3, several regions and provinces will also be provided with their mobile clinic vans as well as medical supplies and equipment to boost their capacity to provide better health services to their communities.

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